I’m Zandra, I have been using tapping for over 10 years and am still in awe of how much power is literally at our fingertips.
I’m so happy that you are here. Really, taking the step to even take a look at this shows such strength.
The strength to take a closer look at what’s going on for you at this moment.
» You’re finding it hard to let go of a rough experience and it’s making things difficult in the here and now
» You’re feeling anxious, stressed and overwhelmed and unsure how to get out of the spiral
» You’ve lost someone close or experienced loss during pregnancy, whether recently or a long time ago, and it feels so raw
» You’re pregnant and worried about the birth and beyond, or have already had a difficult birth experience that still plays on your mind
Maybe it’s okay to start to look at this now and find a new way.
Have an explore and discover these amazing tools.
Share my journey from anxiety and overwhelming grief to more ease.
And feel how close you are to the same. It’s all possible.
You can jump in, you’ll be supported, now is the time!

How can tapping help?
Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques / EFT) and matrix reimprinting are simple and powerful techniques to get you living with more ease quickly and gracefully.

My story
Tapping facilitated a deep and quick shift in how I was feeling about life over 10 years ago.
This is my experience of the power of these techniques.

Working together
We’ll do a series of sessions together to get you back to a place of more ease.
Find out more, and get in touch for an intro chat.
This is where the change begins.